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Kids of the World (2011)
Lewiston, Maine

Craig Saddlemire. Sherry Russell

Craig Saddlemire

Written By
Craig Saddlemire

View Trailer

Free Grace Church (7): Saturday, April 14, 2012 1:15 PM

With the snap of her fingers, Binto can defy the laws of nature. She can do everything from transporting her friends to instantly commanding a thunderstorm. Okay... maybe that's just her imagination. But in Kennedy Park, kids are not constrained by the conventions of reality. Kids of the World features 11 young people who once lived in Africa, Puerto Rico, and elsewhere in the United States, who now find themselves in Lewiston, Maine, sharing one communal park. The kids were invited to make up stories - some based on their personal lives, some completely fictional - and then discuss, reenact, and perform these stories on the BIG SCREEN. Part documentary and part fantasy - Kids of the World is all fun.

Length of Film: 28 minutes

Web Address:www.roundpointmovies.org